A team led by Nepal Disabled Women Association, including the National Federation of the Disabled – Nepal and representatives of the organization of persons with disabilities and journalists handed over a memorandum to the Hon’ble Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Ram Krishna Timilsena and other honorable members of the commission as well as a member of the National Women Commission. On the occasion, the disability rights activists also put forward their demands in front of the commission. Some of the demands included appointments from the disability sector in the National Inclusion Commission as per the constitution, review of election policy, ensure inclusion in all state appointments, monitoring of initiatives for inclusion in all state appointments, mandatory reservation of women with disabilities within the 33% women participation, setting up a disability desk in the commission, advocacy initiatives to be taken for management of disability reservation in the local level elections in National Election Commission and other parties.
Submitting a memorandum to the National Inclusion Commission.

Submission of memorandum.