Discussion on UNCRPD shadow report from a feminist lens
The Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) organized a consultation meeting with various stakeholders to discuss the UNCRPD shadow report. A total of 28 participants in the program from OPDs and CSOs attended the meeting. The main focus of the program was to prepare a shadow report that highlights issues from a feminist perspective and addresses… Read more Discussion on UNCRPD shadow report from a feminist lens
Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Project Final Evaluation
Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) calls for expression of interest (EOI) to conduct final evaluation of the project entitled PAHICHAN: advocacy initiatives for the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in government policies and programs-(P00042-MYP) being implemented in partnership with CBM Global in Federal level, Bagmati province, Kathmandu Metropolitan city and Budhanilkantha municipality, Kathmandu Nepal since March, 2021.… Read more Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Project Final Evaluation
पढाउन पाऊँ भनेर आमरण अनसन बसेकी दृष्टिविहीन शिक्षक शोभा

Discussion on the situation of GBV in local level
Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) discussed with the municipalities of Lalitpur and Kathmandu the situation of gender-based violence and possibilities for collaboration with. In this regard, NDWA organized a discussion in Godawari municipality of Lalitpur and Tarakeshowre municipality of Kathmandu. During the discussion, there raised the issues like current situation of gender-based violence, the priorities… Read more Discussion on the situation of GBV in local level