Right Based Approach: This approach assumes the basic rights of People with disability (Persons with disabilities) and women with disabilities (Women with disabilities) who have been impressed in the CRPD. So that state should be made more responsible and accountable to ensure their rights. NDWA have been focused on this right based approach for the betterment of Women with disabilities.
Capacity Building: NDWA will give priorities for strengthen and capacity building of Women with disabilities within the board members & staffs for the organizational development.
Sustainability: NDWA will have long term plan for the effectively running organization. High priorities will be given for cooperative registration, fund raising and local resources in the local context.
Partnership, collaboration, & coordination: There will be strong collaboration and coordination between beneficiaries groups, partners, INGOs, Government agencies, DPOs and stakeholders working at central, districts and grassroots level for promoting the right of Women with disabilities and Persons with disabilities.
Advocacy and Networking: NDWA has been part of several networks and forums in the past periods. Members/ affiliation with such networks and forums shall be continuously maintained and strengthened further. In addition, NDWA will further explore the possibilities of affiliating/joining like minder forums and networks and push issues of women with disabilities for policies and program provisions.
Accessibility: NDWA fully believes for having Women with disabilities rights of education, health facilities, employment opportunity and physical structure in all aspects of life.
Economic empowerment: NDWA will focus on capacity build up, skill based training and financial support for better livelihood.
Disability Inclusive Development (DID): All of NDWA’s intervention, as far as possible, shall follow inclusiveness by ensuring participation of other persons as deemed necessary. NDWA believes that for the better inclusion, parents, relatives, other persons of the society/community has to be included in the projects and program.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): Since Nepal is prone to the earthquake and other disasters, NDWA shall give high priority to have disaster preparedness and risk reduction components in its all projects and program including the organisation.
Research and Study: In order to be more authentic and data based advocacy and programming work, it is important to carry out research and study in women with disability sector. Studies and research in this area are lacking and generally speaking, none of the authorities or ogranisations have carried out such research.
If you have any suggestions and/or feedback to Nepal Disabled Women Association, please get in touch using the contact details provided below.