NDWA Nepal

Orientation to SMC, PTA, Head Teachers, and Ward Representatives

Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA completed five interaction programs in Bagmati Province with School Principals, the School Management Committee (SMC), Parent Teacher Association (PTA), and Ward representatives of 40 schools of LEARN project. The schools were provided with high and low-technology learning materials and training. NDWA held five discussion programs in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Dhading, and… Read more Orientation to SMC, PTA, Head Teachers, and Ward Representatives

Refresher training for women with disabilities

Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA has organized refresher training on the international treaties, conventions and laws made by the government of Nepal for the rights of persons with disabilities. NDWA organized this training on 4th and 5th of March for its members and representatives of the OPDs. More than 30 participants including general members of… Read more Refresher training for women with disabilities

Interact with local level representatives

To include women with disabilities from the ward level of the local government Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA organized an interaction with the ward chairperson and executive members of Budanilkantha Municipality. With the aim of addressing the concerns of women with disabilities in the policy, program and budget of the municipality, the association has organized… Read more Interact with local level representatives

मानव अधिकार आयोगले माग्यो दृष्टिविहीन शिक्षकलाई हाजिरी गर्न नदिनुको कारण

राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले शिक्षक सेवा आयोगले लिएको परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण गरेर स्थायी नियुक्तपत्र लिएकी दृष्टिविहीन शिक्षकलाई हाजिर नगराउनुको कारण माग गरेको छ। चितवनको चनौली घर भएकी पूर्ण दृष्टिविहीन संगीता पराजुलीले गत पुस १० गते शिक्षक सेवा आयोगले लिएको परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण गरेकी थिइन्। परीक्षामा उत्तीर्ण गरेपछि रोल नम्बरका आधारमा उनको नियुक्ति रामेछाप जिल्लामा भएको थियो।

निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता सम्बन्धी सूचना !

 “अपाङ्गता भएका महिला माथि हुने सबै खालका हिंसा अन्त्यका लागि परिवार, समाज र राज्यको दायित्व” विषयक निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता ११३ औं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवसको अवसरमा आयोजित अपाङ्गता भएका महिला माथि विभिन्न किसिमका विभेद र हिंसा विद्यमान रहेको अवस्थामा जनचेतना स्वरूप ८ मार्चको अवसरमा नेपाल अपाङ्ग महिला संघले “अपाङ्गता भएका महिला माथि हुने सबै खालका हिंसा… Read more निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता सम्बन्धी सूचना !