16 days of activism begins
The 33rd International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign kicked off on Monday, November 25, 2024, under the national slogan “Our Commitment: Solidarity to End Gender-Based Violence.” To commemorate the event, the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens organized a rally on Monday morning, which saw participation from various organizations. The rally… Read more 16 days of activism begins

Advocacy for disability-inclusive health service
The Nepal Disabled Women’s Association NDWA held discussions with officials from the Department of Health Services, Leprosy Control, and Disability Management Centre, Teku on issues including access to health services for women and girls with disabilities, as well as all persons with disabilities, sexual and reproductive health rights, and reduction of gender-based violence against women… Read more Advocacy for disability-inclusive health service

वार्षिक बुलेटिन २०२३

Marked International women’s day
Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA participated in the different rallies organized by Lalitpur Metropolitan City and CSOs on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024. The rally was organized with the global slogan of ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’. The participants in the rally came out with placards and banners and raised slogans about respect… Read more Marked International women’s day