NDWA Nepal

Kapil Aryal briefing about the CRPD reporting prosses

Provincial-level workshop on CRPD shadow report

Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA organized a workshop on preparing the shadow report of CRPD in Bagmati province capital, Hetauda on 26 December. 25 participants from different OPDs and government officials participated in the workshop. In the workshop, the Vice-chairperson of a person with disabilities direction committee in Bagmati province government said that the workshop… Read more Provincial-level workshop on CRPD shadow report

Participants sitting round table and dr Sunita maleku presenting points from the group discussion

Workshop for preparation of UNCRPD shadow report

Nepal Disabled Women  Association NDWA organized a consultation  with the OPDs members  for the preparation of the shadow report on the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UNCRPD.  Twenty-one participants participated in the consultation including NFDN and representatives from different OPDs. All participants were divided into the groups and they discussed based… Read more Workshop for preparation of UNCRPD shadow report

meena paudel VC of NDWA fasilitating the program

A discussion about the situation and barrier of WWD’s access to justice

Nepal Disabled Women Association NDWA has published the findings of a preliminary research study conducted on the Situation and Barrier Analysis of Women with Disabilities in Access to Justice for violence against women with disability. This research conducted with the support of Women Kind UK, has shown that the situation of access to justice for… Read more A discussion about the situation and barrier of WWD’s access to justice

भारतीय मानवअधिकार परिषद्ले ‘अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साहसी महिला पुरस्कार–२०२३’बाट नेपालकी सविता उप्रेतीलाई सम्मान गरेको छ । यो पुरस्कार १४० सदस्य राष्ट्र भएको मानवअधिकार परिषद्को प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार मानिन्छ । उप्रेती अटिजम भएका बालबालिकाहरुको सेवामा क्रियाशील सामाजिक अभियन्ता हुन् ।

Meena Paudel delivering her presentation about disability and inclusion

Interaction with stakeholders on disability and inclusive development

Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) has organized a discussion program with the stakeholders related to disability and inclusive development.  25 participants participated in the discussion program organized by the NDWA on December 5 at Dhulikhel in Kavre. Participants from different organizations committed to raising their voices for inclusion in political, economic, and social development by… Read more Interaction with stakeholders on disability and inclusive development