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Nepal Disabled Women Association Accomplished 9th Convention and 18th General Assembly

Nepal Disabled Women Association successfully accomplished 9th convention and 18th general assembly. Ms. Niramal Dhital elected as a President through that convention. Ms. Kamala Budhathoki elected as a Vice President, Ms. Meena Paudel elected as a General Secretary, Ms. Anita Ghimire elected as a Treasure and Ms. Laxmi Devkota, Ms. Maiya Lamsal, Ms. Shobha BK elected as Members through that convention. The NDWA decided that two Members will be nominated as per the rule of the constitution of the organization.

Mr. Ganesh KC from Inclusive Education Section at Education Department giving his remarks during Public Hearing program

Public Hearing Program Organized

NDWA organized public hearing program on 25th and 26th November Gorkha and Dhading and 23rd December in Kathmandu on the pertinent issues of Person/women with disabilities specially on health, education, disabled friendly infrastructure and violence against women with disabilities.

Training on ‘National and International Laws and Policies’ for female activists

NDWA organized three days training on ‘National and International laws and policies in related with Person/Women with disabilities from 10th -12th November, 2016. The main objective of the training is to make activists aware about the national and international laws and policies and make more capable to raise and advocate the issues of Women with Disabilities and to develop facilitation skill of WWDs.